Poyrazlar Lake
Poyrazlar Lake is located in the north of Adapazarı, near Poyrazlar Village, 8 Km from the City Center. is in the distance. It is 67 hectares. The length of the coast is 2,400 meters. Its depth is 3-8 meters. Poyrazlar Lake Nature Park, with its current unspoilt nature, offers daily recreation opportunities to visitors from surrounding provinces. It is a place with a natural view that appeals to people's psychological structure and taste, especially where outdoor activities such as picnics, resting, hiking, wildlife watching, and various sports activities can be carried out.
Poyrazlar Lake has a significant richness in terms of land and water birds. 154 bird species have been identified in the studies carried out in the lake to date; 65 (42%) of them were determined as native bird species, 47 (31%) as summer migrants, 36 (23%) as winter migrants and 6 as transit migrants. In addition to the forest area consisting of hornbeam and oak around the lake, there are forest areas consisting of larch and yellow pine species after afforestation. Goal; It is very rich in terms of pike, catfish and carp. In addition, species such as Jackal, Fox, Weasel, Rabbit, Squirrel, Hedgehog, Wild Boar, Mole, Field Mouse, Land Tortoise, Salamandra, Spotted Earth Salamander and Green lizard also live in the field.